Monday, September 22, 2008

I laugh when I think it is not death that is parting us... it is life...


You know... It's been what... like forever since I updated the blog... MyHeartMyMind.. what crap... Does it mean nothing's going on in my heart n my mind?

Well, there are there times when someone leaves your life.. n there are the times just before that happens.. times when you know that, that someone is going to move out of your life soon.. but its final... unavoidable... so.. what do you do? what can you do? you prepare to wave good bye...

The season has come.. the winds are on.. the sails are set... There is the mammoth ship... there are loud horns.. you see people hurrying towards it... It is gonna raise the anchor and start to move away slowly... away ... away... away...

Until You can see it no more... You stand there... unable to move... unable to stop wishing it to come back... unable to accept it has left... Half the pain is the ship that left... half are the thoughts about the one's that would leave... in the future... time and again... each time taking away a part of you.. making you more and more incomplete... leaving you changed forever...

Why do you have to love so much and be hurt... Why does a friend have to make you cry when you're happy and when you're sad... why do they have to come... and then, why do they have to leave you and go?

I laugh when I think it is not death that is parting us... it is life...

farewell.... I am sorry if I hurt you ever... I Love you... Bye K...